I 've had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for almost five years.
Today I made the decision to start this online Journal, in the hope that it may be of assistance to others.
This disease really got the better of me this week.
I call it a disease because my body in definitely not at ease with this illness.
However when I say that, this disorder has been the reason behind my Spiritual Journey and my connection to God, in a much more simple way.
So here I am.
I meditate.
I breathe.
I speak and think positive thoughts.
Yet this week...
More fatigue...
So I found myself being extremely disappointed in my decline...
Anyone who has Chronic Fatigue, will relate to...
It's not about being tired or sleepy...
More like being in, a constant state of flu like symptoms...
No amount of sleep or relaxation helps...
So to go to my specialist and be given a lot of potential illnesses that can develop, sent me into more of a spin and even more disappointment in myself.
Perhaps up until this week, I may have been living in denial.
Most people don't even believe that it's an illness.
So now, I start again on a fairly strict regime of medication, low G.I. diet, limited sun and possible triggers of even more symptoms.
The hope is, that this regime will slow down or kill the bacteria that is responsible for this illness with-in my body.
So if you know of someone ,who may have Chronic Fatigue, or any other energy disorder, please be patient and kind to them...
In Love.

Day1 follows BELOW


While resting last night, the following became very clear to me, so I'll explain as simply as I remember it.
As most of you know I write on three different blogs and last night it became clear to me that some might think, how can this woman have Chronic Fatigue and still write entries elsewhere.
My CF journal is very much about My Body...
My Breathing blog is about My Mind...
My I AM ROSE blog is My Spiritual connection to God....
All of these are aspects of Me, these blogs expose...
The Whole of Me...
My Body...Mind and Spirit.
How you might ask?
Read my entries and you'll find out.
The fatigue is what brought me to this place of... Stillness...Silence and Reflection...
So I thank the fatigue for this and I welcome the fatigue with Love...
It has served me well.
Now it is time to Live fully in...
The Now Moment.

Monday, August 2, 2010


It's been a few weeks since I've posted here.
I have lost my job,due to funding cuts (last one on,first to go) Shame really,cause I loved working there. So for now I'm enjoying some much needed time off from work.
The fatigue has been present again for a number of weeks making minimal tasks a challenge.
I have been offered a job in "The Women's Council" as an Admin Assistant, working with Indigenous Women. I'm feeling positive about this opportuninty and trusting that I'm meant to be exactly where I am in this now moment.
Our friends stayed for a full on two weeks, it's was wonderful having them stay with us, but extremely tiring as well. They have a 4Wd, so on the week-ends we ventured into the bush, it was great fun, although even sitting in the car was difficult.
I hoped that connecting to the awesome landscape would assist my energy levels, as the beauty is truly a gift.
For now I am aware that I'm out of balance,perhaps forgetting to pace myself.
I apologize for not commenting on any ones entries of late on different blogs, but for now this is quite a challenge.
Love and Gentle Hugs to You All.


Joe said...

Dear Rose,

Firstly. Thanks! Your site is very touching. And your bang on about healing all coming from the Heart. Beautifully put :)

My name is Joe Grant, I'm 24 and live in Melbourne, Australia. I've CFS/ME for the last 6 years and am slowly recovering.

I'm writing to let you know about a site I launched just last week www.cfsrecoverypath.com

It's called CFS Recovery Path - Treatments, Tools and Techniques and is a free resource inspired by all that I have learned from my own journey with CFS/ME over the last 6 years. I am a writer and researcher by trade and so felt I was uniquely positioned to create such a resource and figured it was the best way for me to help others in the same boat over the short term.

Hopefully it can help you in your own journey

It is designed to complement sites such as yours by providing a very simple, unbiassed and compassionate overview of all the info that cause most PWC's head to spin. My aim is for people to leave feeling more hopeful, educated and with a smile on their face. I will add to the site each week with a series of articles and interviews assisting people in the practical steps required in recovery, focusing primarily on actions you can take and leaving the breaking news to yourself and Cort (from phoenixrising.com).

I would very much appreciate your feedback and if you like the site also help in spreading the word (perhaps a link or a mention in a post). My intentions are simply to help educate people to empower them to take control of their own recovery.

Hit me with your thoughts. Its exciting times in the world of CFS/ME.

In the Name of Good Heath!


I AM ROSE said...

Thanks Joe.
I'll will definitely take a look soon.
Energy level not too good at the moment.
I very rarely get to this space of My Journal these days.
Thanks again.


This blog is intended to be a place of healing and sharing.
My hope is that All who visit, benefit in some way from my own experience of this mysterious energy disorder.
I welcome any comments via the address below and will answer any questions to the best of my ability.
Contact me at: